Did you know that fresh food, cook it yourself – eating naturally is good for your body and mind?
Natural products for a healthy diet
A healthy diet with natural products doesn’t cost more. Cooking with seasonal goods and products from the region is even cheaper than buying ready-made meals. A healthy diet can be easily integrated into stressful everyday life if you plan your meals and shopping a little.
A big difference between ‘clean eating’ and other forms of nutrition is that when eating natural and unprocessed foods, no nutrient groups are prohibited. Because natural foods contain slowly digestible carbohydrates, healthy fats, and high-quality proteins.
When you eat natural foods, you are not giving your body any additional signals to store fat. Instead, you boost your metabolism, your body does not store unnecessary fat but slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. The slow absorption of sugar and starch in turn ensures that the blood sugar level remains constant.
When you eat what is good for your body, you feel fit, you are healthy, and you feel good. Eating is about appreciating your own body. It’s about self-awareness.
Recommendations on how to bid goodbye to finished products
Few ingredients
It doesn’t always have to be an elaborate recipe with many ingredients. Because often not everything is at home or you need so little of some special ingredients that a lot of the rest remains and possibly ends up in the garbage can.
Do a lot yourself
You can find everything in organic supermarkets. Even ready meals without artificial additives, from fruit yogurt to pasta sauce to baby food. If this kind of supermarket is far, you may read about travel bags and use them to carry your ingredients. When you plan cleverly and buy the fresh ingredients accordingly, you neither spend a lot of money nor do you spend hours in the kitchen.
Quality comes before quantity
Eating of course starts with the choice of ingredients: buy less, but better food. Quality means leaving super savings prices. Because they destroy food prices. This is not only at the expense of product quality but it also destroys local companies and farms.
Drink water
Natural eating also includes natural drinking. Nothing works better than tap water. The drinking water quality is excellent, water is calorie-free.